Upside Down Duck has one role: to bring to your attention the absurdities that occur all too often in our lives.
Are we paying enough attention?
These absurdities occur in our personal lives, in politics, in business: pretty much everywhere we look. Many times, however, they are lost in the sea of information that washes over us every day, fading into obscurity as a new tide of absurdities rolls in.
It is important for any citizen of America, and of the world for that matter, to be aware of these issues from time to time. It’s easy to spend our time in a fog of self-absorption, focused so much on ourselves that we miss, quite accidentally, issues, topics and discussions that rise to the lofty heights of complete absurdity.
Upside Down Duck, through its postings on this site and participation in the media, will try to bring to your attention issues that may shock, frustrate or amuse you. Hopefully, they will also educate and enlighten you. Armed with credible information and international awareness, some of you will ideally inform, educate and enlighten your peers, family, and a wider audience.
What is an Upside Down Duck?
The image of the upside-down duck is, to me, the perfect reflection of absurdity.
Imagine, if you will, a duck moving across a glassy lake, the v-shaped ripple stretching out behind, its body motionless, while underneath the surface its little legs are paddling for all they are worth. What appears to be smoothly efficient requires a lot of hard work.
Today’s “reality” suggests the opposite.
Government and business would have us believe that immense amounts of activity, discussions, negotiations and general to-ing and fro-ing are proof positive of steady progress toward better lives. In reality, below the surface and far from view, absolutely nothing is happening.
All Opinions Welcome!
Comments are and will always be welcome – this site does not seek to censor anyone’s thoughts, opinions or beliefs. One exception will be language I recognize as aggressive, insulting or profane. In my opinion, someone who resorts to yelling has run out of ideas.
The Upside Down Duck team